Another thing I'd like to mention here which can not be summed up in a single function is that a lot of work has gone into PostGIS 2.1 in improving the performance
and robustness of out of database rasters (rasters stored externally but queried as if they were inside the database), and more is planned before 2.1 hits the street. All this work
has made me reconsider where out dbs play a role and how their speed profiles compare to in-db rasters.
We'll demonstrate the speed profile differences in this article for ST_Tile as well for this small sampling.
If you are not afraid of chewing the fat a little and you are on Windows, there are always fresh windows binaries packaged with all these goodies you can get from:
Winnie's fresh baked windows PostGIS binaries corner.
For this exercise I was running with: a 32-bit windows 7 32-bit 9.2.2 install
and a 64-bit windows 7 on 9.2.2 install both grabbed from winnie's builds.
POSTGIS="2.1.0SVN r11079" GEOS="3.4.0dev-CAPI-1.8.0 r0"
PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012"
GDAL="GDAL 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08" LIBXML="2.7.8" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" RASTER
Cutting up helpless paintings
The ST_Tile function you can think of as the reverse of ST_Union. It cuts up things you can glue back together with ST_Union. Here we have our test subject
- Mona, a 2835x4289 pixel resolution 3.3 MB file.
Load her up as a single record:
raster2pgsql -F -Y C:/pictures/Mona_Lisa.jpg pics | psql -U postgres -d testpostgis21 -h localhost -p 5432
Or if you prefer to keep her out of the database but just register her. In order to use the outdb feature of ST_Tile, you'll need PostGIS 2.1 r11079 or higher.
raster2pgsql -F -Y -R C:/pictures/Mona_Lisa.jpg pics_outdb | psql -U postgres -d testpostgis21 -h localhost -p 5432
If we were to cut her up into about 250x250 pixel tiles, we'd have 216 game pieces at our disposal. All are not of equal size
because we didn't choose a size divisible by our original painting size.
-- suprisingly fast: 285 ms on windows 32-bit pg 9.2
-- 150ms on my windows 64-bit windows 7 pg-64-bit --
SELECT Max(ST_Width(tiled_rast)) As max_width
, MIN(ST_Width(tiled_rast)) As min_width
, orig_width, count(*)
(SELECT ST_Tile(rast,250,250) As tiled_rast, ST_Width(rast) As orig_width
FROM (SELECT rast FROM pics where filename='Mona_Lisa.jpg' )
As foo ) As foofoo
GROUP By orig_width;
max_width | min_width | orig_width | count
250 | 85 | 2835 | 216
Running against my outdb version, the speed was even more mind blowing
-- 10 ms on windows 64-bit 9.2 64-bit --
SELECT Max(ST_Width(tiled_rast)) As max_width
, MIN(ST_Width(tiled_rast)) As min_width
, orig_width, count(*)
(SELECT ST_Tile(rast,250,250) As tiled_rast
, ST_Width(rast) As orig_width
(SELECT rast
FROM pics_outdb WHERE filename='Mona_Lisa.jpg' )
As foo ) As foofoo
GROUP By orig_width;
Let's return 2 randomish pieces to see what she's made of. I was surprised the ST_AsPNG added so much overhead.
-- takes 2467ms to output as PNG on my 32-bit and 1,484ms on my 64-bit --
-- without ST_AsPNG call takes 380 ms on 32-bit ad 340ms on 64-bit: bit surprising --
SELECT ST_AsPNG(tiled_rast) FROM
(SELECT ST_Tile(rast,250,250) As tiled_rast
FROM (SELECT rast FROM pics WHERE filename='Mona_Lisa.jpg' )
As foo ) As foofoo
Performing the same exercise on outdb was suprisingly shocking in speed difference.
-- removing the ST_AsPNG call 20 ms, with ST_AsPNG -- 1510 ms
SELECT ST_AsPNG(tiled_rast) FROM
(SELECT ST_Tile(rast,250,250) As tiled_rast
FROM pics_outdb WHERE filename='Mona_Lisa.jpg' )
As foo ) As foofoo
Seamless Vector / Raster integration
Raster functionality can not only be used to abuse rasters, you can also use it to abuse geometries by dragging a hapless geometry into raster space doing your bidding and then dragging it back out into
vector space. I'm going to save those exercises for other articles. Suffice to say that there are a whole menu of simplification and intersection processes you can apply to your geometries by tweaking the dial on the size of your virtual canvas that are difficult to accomplish with a pure vector play.