Just finished writing the first draft of the last chapter of PostGIS in Action title First look at PostGIS WKT Raster.
We now have in place drafts of all the chapters we planned to write.
It was probably the most fun chapter to write of all and was longer than I had expected it would be. Total right now is about 33 pages.
I was really impressed with all that can be done with the new raster data type and functions so far and how well they played with PostGIS
geometry functions.
I think the PostGIS WKT Raster crew would be happy if people could start stress testing it. I tested it with rasters around 10 - 20 mb in size and the speed of loading the data in
and querying was more than adequate enough so that at the close and open of my eyes the load was done. Next step will be to test much larger rasters and raster coverages. For details of what you can expect to do with PostGIS WKT Raster now,
check out our Postgres OnLine journal article PostGIS Raster its on: 10 things you can do NOW with raster
We just finished the second draft of chapter Using PostGIS in web applications. For those who have purchased
the book, you can expect to see that sometime next week on MEAP including some amendments to prior chapters. The PostGIS WKT Raster chapter should follow a little bit after that.
Then it will be our last round of community reviews. Hopefully more reviewers will submit reviews than the second round we had. I think the second round review process was probably bad timing around the holidays, but even
so was still a big disappointment and disheartening how few reviews we got back.