pgRouting 2.2.3 was released last week. Main change is this version now supports PostgreSQL 9.6. Many thanks to Vicky Vergara for working thru the issues with PostgreSQL 9.6 and getting it to work. Vicky has also been doing a good chunk of the coding (a lot of Boost refactoring and integrating more Boost features), testing, and documentation in pgRouting, osm2pgrouting, and QGIS pgRoutingLayer in general for pgRouting 2.1, 2.2, and upcoming 2.3. We are very indebted to her for her hard work.
If you are a windows user testing the waters of PostgreSQL 9.6beta1, we have pgRouting 2.2.3 binaries and PostGIS 2.3.0dev
binaries at
One of the small syntactical treats introduced in PostgreSQL 9.6, is the CASCADE construct for extensions that also installs extensions and extension relies on. This means that to install, pgRouting and PostGIS, you can do it with a single command:
pgRouting: A Practical Guide book update
So we've been working on this book, called, pgRouting: A Practical Guide that will be published by LocatePress, hoping sometime this year around time of PostgreSQL 9.6 release. If you bought a preview copy already, you can expect to see our new chapters which got packed yesterday. They are:
- Catchment areas and Isochrones:
Which covers the pgr_drivingDistance and alpha shape functions in fairly great detail.
It also covers the pgr_drivingDistance with points variant availability introduced in pgRouting 2.2
At both PGConf US 2016 and FOSS4GNA 2016, we were asked about this very topic of analyzing Service Level coverage requirements for things
like schools, fire houses, restaurants, you name it. This chapter covers it so we expect it to be very popular and go thru a couple more iterations before final release.
- Traveling Salesperson Problems: Covers pgr_tsp function packaged and overloaded variants of it. In addition to basic pgr_tsp
we go into detail about formulating a distance matrix, to for example handle things like geodetic (world data) and also using dynamic costing with pgr_tsp.
If you have feedback for us on examples you'd like to see covered we missed or things that could be made clearer, don't hesistate to comment on discuss page