Monday, June 18. 2018
PostGIS 2.5 is just around the corner. One of the new functions coming is the ST_OrientedEnvelop. This is something I've been waiting for for years.
It is the true minimum bounding rectangle, as opposed to ST_Envelope which is an axis aligned bounding rectable.
Below is a pictorial view showing the difference between the two.
Continue reading "Coming PostGIS 2.5 ST_OrientedEnvelope"
Thursday, November 16. 2017
To commemorate PostGIS Day 2017, I put together a 3D scene listing my favorite functions.
You can see it PostGIS Day in 3D
Sunday, October 15. 2017
PostGIS releases a new minor version of PostGIS every one or two years. Each minor version of postgis has a different libname suffix.
In PostGIS 2.1 you'll find files in your PostgreSQL lib folder called postgis-2.1.*, rtpostgis-2.1.*, postgis-topology-2.1.*, address-standardizer-2.1.* etc.
and in a PostGIS 2.2 you'll find similar files but with 2.2 in the name. I believe PostGIS and pgRouting are the only extensions that stamp the lib with a version number.
Most other extensions you will find are just called e.g. hstore is always called hstore.dll / even if the version changed from 9.6 to 10.
On the bright side this allows people to have two versions of PostGIS installed in a PostgreSQL cluster, though a database can use at most one version.
So you can have an experimental database running a very new or unreleased version of PostGIS and a production database running a more battery tested version.
On the sad side this causes a lot of PostGIS users frustration trying to use pg_upgrade to upgrade from an older version of PostGIS/PostgreSQL to a newer version of PostGIS/PostgreSQL;
as their pg_upgrade often bails with a message in the loaded_libraries.txt log file something to the affect:
could not load library "$libdir/postgis-2.2": ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory
could not load library "$libdir/postgis-2.3": ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.3": No such file or directory
This is also a hassle because we generally don't support a newer version of PostgreSQL on older PostGIS installs because the PostgreSQL major version changes tend to break our code
often and backporting those changes is both time-consuming and dangerous. For example the DatumGetJsonb change
and this PostgreSQL 11 crasher we haven't isolated the cause of yet. There are several changes like this that have already made the PostGIS 2.4.0
we released recently incompatible with the PostgreSQL 11 head development.
Continue reading "Using pg_upgrade to upgrade PostGIS without installing an older version of PostGIS"
Sunday, September 24. 2017
One of the things I'm most happy about with upcoming PostGIS 2.4.0, due out in about a week is that it is the first version to have almost complete translations into different languages. The Japanese, German, Portugese, and Korean translations are more than 80% complete with Japanese being 96%. You can download the html manuals from PostGIS docs page. Thwre are PDFs for non-Asian languages. Japanese and Korean languages I'm still having issue generating the pdfs.
When you install PostGIS with CREATE EXTENSION postgis; , it also installs the accompanying help extracted from the manual in English format.
The comment generator we have in place is just as happy working with translated docs as it is with the English one so the in db help documents can also be generated in other languages. The help files are located:
Japanese, German, Portugese, and Korean
Continue reading "PostGIS db help and manual in different languages"
Sunday, August 20. 2017
It's a little known fact that the PostGIS geography type since PostGIS 2.2 (well was introduced in 2.1 I think but had a bug in it until 2.1.4 or so), supports any spheroidal spatial reference system that measures in degrees. When an srid is not specified, it defaults to using 4326, Earth WGS 84 long lat.
Continue reading "geography type is not limited to earth"
Tuesday, August 01. 2017
Reminder: Right after the Free and Open Source GIS conference in Boston is the OSGeo / LocationTech code sprint on Saturday August 19th 9AM-5PM at District Hall where project members from various Open Source Geospatial projects will be fleshing out ideas, documenting, coding, and introducing new folks to open source development. All are welcome including those who are unable to make the conference.
We are getting a final head-count this week to plan for food arrangements. If you are planning to attend, add your name to the list If you are unable to add your name to the list, feel free to send Regina an email at with your name and projects you are interested in so I can add you to the list. Looking forward to hanging out with folks interested in PostgreSQL and PostGIS development.
District Hall is a gorgeous community space. Check out the District Hall View
Saturday, July 29. 2017
FOSS4G 2017 is just a few weeks away.
Many of the workshops will utilize OSGeoLive as a means for workshop participants to get up and running quickly with OSGeo Free and Open Source GIS tools and Boston data. OSGeoLive11 is a LUbuntu 16.04 distribution. OSGeoLive11 is going thru the final stages of prep. You can download the OSGeoLiveRC1 ISO for it from
Once OSGeoLive11 is fully prepped, it will be linked on the osgeolive site
If you want to run OSGeoLive11 from bootable media, you can burn the ISO to DVD or thumb drive and boot. In final prep, you can expect to have a Virtual Image ready to go you can host on Virtual Box or VMWare and make further customizations. OSGeoLive11 thumb drives will be handed out at the conference.
If you are doing any PostgreSQL/ PostGIS / pgRouting / or other GIS training, OSGeoLive is pretty handy. OSGeoLive11 contains PostgreSQL 9.5 (I know slightly dated) , PostGIS 2.3.2 and cli tools, pgRouting 2.4.1, and osm2pgrouting 2.2.0. In addition it contains popular GIS Desktop friends QGIS, OpenJump, gvSig, uDig as well as power tools like GRASS, R, GDAL CLI toolkit, and Jupyter notebooks. Mapping Servers MapServer and GeoServer. We'll be using pgRouting, osm2pgRouting, PostGIS, PostgreSQL, QGIS, and OpenJump in our workshop Problem Solving with pgRouting. A good chunk of FOSS GIS relies on PostgreSQL via PostGIS so you'll find a lot of already setup PostgreSQL databases on this disk.
For this set of exercises, we're going to go thru using the ISO media linked above on a Windows 7 VirtualBox setup. If you are using any other OS (e.g. Mac OSX, Linux, Unix), instructions should be much the same.
Continue reading "Using OSGeoLive with VirtualBox"
Sunday, May 21. 2017
So PostgreSQL 10beta1 came out recently as Holly mentioned.
When first mention of beta hits, things start getting serious for me. I have to make sure that PostGIS compiles against said distribution to make sure eager testers aren't held back.
As with other releases, PostGIS didn't compile against the new PostgreSQL version without some nurturing. We've still got one regress failure, but at least PostGIS 2.4 now compiles cleanly against
PostgreSQL 10beta1. I'm hoping that we can release PostGIS 2.4.0 just in time for PostgreSQL 10 planned release in September so I don't have to backport PostgreSQL 10 patches I made to lower PostGIS versions.
For PostGIS 2.4 the main focus will be cleaning up the parallel work so that all aggregate functions can enjoy use of parallel optimization. This is even more important with PostgreSQL 10 now that
more kinds of queries can benefit from parallelization work. I'm also hoping to focus more energy on the raster side of things.
Continue reading "PostGIS 2.4.0, Code Sprints and other extensions to try with PostgreSQL 10 beta1"
Wednesday, April 05. 2017
At PGConfUS 2017 last week, we presented a talk: Top 10 Problems Solved by PostGIS. The slides for the talk in HTML format and PDF format. The pgRouting examples at the end of the talk seemed to be the most popular.
We'll be giving a pgRouting workshop at FOSS4G Boston 2017 Aug 14-19th where we'll go into much more depth about topics like drive time analysis and Vehicle Route schedule planning (VRP). We also hope to give a talk at FOSS4G 2017 on PostGIS spatial tricks.
Wednesday, April 05. 2017
Google recently put in beta Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL which targets PostgreSQL 9.6 and seems like they plan to stay in line with PostgreSQL offerings similar to the Amazon PostgreSQL RDS and Aurora offerings. I was curious to see what kind of extensions they support.
In Google cloud blog article Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL for your mobile and Geospatial applications in Google Cloud PostGIS is explicitly mentioned as supported. Presumably because Descartes is one of their case studies which I can only guess probably uses PostGIS based on the quote from Tim Kelton, Descartes co-founder:
"Our individual teams, who are building micro services, can quickly provision a database on Cloud SQL. They don't need to bother compiling Geos, Proj4, GDAL, and Lib2xml to leverage PostGIS. And when PostGIS isn’t needed, our teams use PostgreSQL without extensions or MySQL, also supported by Cloud SQL."
Excerpted from their article:
Geospatial support: Easily enable the popular PostGIS extension for geospatial objects in Postgres.
It's unclear from the article what other extensions they support though. Maybe I'll have to try it.
Sunday, March 26. 2017
A reminder, PGConfUS 2017 conference is just days away, and we'll be giving a training March 28th 2017, Jersey City, NJ at 1 PM.
If you are coming, keep an eye on this page PGConf 2017 US Getting Stuff done with PostGIS materials.
If you haven't signed up already, there are still spots, make sure to buy your tickets at
Continue reading "PGConfUS 2017 Getting Stuff done in PostGIS"
Monday, August 01. 2016
GeoHipster interview with me came out today. Covers how I stumbled into database programming and my work on PostGIS, PostgreSQL and pgRouting. Interview with Regina Obe
Saturday, June 04. 2016
Leo's pgRouting : a Crash Course video made it thru great. Better than mine. Leo doesn't believe in slides, so this is all live demo stuff. The data he used in the video is part of our code/data download for pgRouting: A Practical Guide.
Continue reading "FOSS4GNA 2016: pgRouting - A Crash course video is out"
Tuesday, May 31. 2016
The videos for FOSS4G NA 2016 have started coming out. Recently Andrea Ross posted PostGIS Spatial Tricks talk video. I'm happy to say it looks pretty good and I didn't suck as badly as I worried I would. Thank you very much Andrea. Some talks unfortunately did not come thru. I'm hoping Leo's pgRouting : a Crash Course video made it thru okay as well, and will post that later if it does.
Only small little nit-picks is the first 2-5 minutes or so didn't make it thru and the blue colors on the slides got a little drowned out, but here are the slides if you need full resolution.
Continue reading "FOSS4GNA 2016 PostGIS Spatial Tricks video is out"
Saturday, May 21. 2016
pgRouting 2.2.3 was released last week. Main change is this version now supports PostgreSQL 9.6. Many thanks to Vicky Vergara for working thru the issues with PostgreSQL 9.6 and getting it to work. Vicky has also been doing a good chunk of the coding (a lot of Boost refactoring and integrating more Boost features), testing, and documentation in pgRouting, osm2pgrouting, and QGIS pgRoutingLayer in general for pgRouting 2.1, 2.2, and upcoming 2.3. We are very indebted to her for her hard work.
If you are a windows user testing the waters of PostgreSQL 9.6beta1, we have pgRouting 2.2.3 binaries and PostGIS 2.3.0dev
binaries at
Continue reading "pgRouting 2.2.3 released with support for PostgreSQL 9.6beta1"