As many may have noticed, has been down for the past week or so and probably is still not reachable from many parts of the world since our DNS server was also taken down as a result of a Denial of Service (DDOS) attack. We were attacked by an Activision Call of Duty Game botnet.
I have a small confession to make. One of the businesses we co-own is an e-Commerce site that sells condoms. You never know how people will react when you say that in mixed company. Some people are glad we are in a business protecting against venereal diseases or unwanted pregnancies and some feel we are violating a mother nature creed of conduct. Anyrate that was the site that was under attack on a UDP port and we are not sure if it was a malicious intent or not since the root instigator has not been found yet. The attack was higher up from our servers that it knocked our ISP out and we never saw the traffick.
The tragic thing is that it can happen to any site and does all the time. It really hit home when it happened to us.
Details of our fight are described here: WowCondoms plugs hole in Activision's Call of Duty Game Servers